my favorite spot on earth

my favorite spot on earth

Friday, October 29, 2010

It makes me sad how perscription pill abuse is shooting through the roof. Prescription pills and plastic surgery are perfect pinnacles of human corropution - gaining wealth from human insecurities. Its a little offputting that doctors have adopted a method of medicating people to fix their emotional problems. Depression/ anxiety/ ADD - those are all in your HEAD. I mean, as much as a pill may cause you to think you're happier, if everything else around you stays the same, are you really going to feel better about the things in your life? It's almost like we're trying too hard to obtain human perfection. However, 'perfect' is a subjective term. So it seems odd to me that we center so much attention around gaining something that doesn't exist?

I guess if you glance through human history, satisfaction has always been built around subjective/invisible constructs - love, religion, wealth, beauty, happiness, etc. etc. Then, the really ironic thing is that we use objective things to obtain them - a ring, a bible, a dollar, a surgery, or even a pill. I think that's where we're going wrong. Rather than turning to materialism, we should look within ourselves to find fulfillment - and only then will we be happy.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Current Playlist:

1. Home - Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros.
2. Hurricane Drunk - Florence and the Machines
3. Last of Days - A Fine Frenzy
4. Reset - Mute Math
5. The Police and the Private - Metric
6. In Transit - Albert Hammon Jr.
7. Welcome Home - Radical Face
8. Moon - Little People
9. Orange Shirt - Discovery
10. As the Rush Comes - Gabriel & Dresden
11. Merry Happy - Kate Nash
12. Power Moves Baby - Inf
13. Everybody but Me - Lykke Li
14. Diz - TV on the Radio
15. Amistice - Pheonix

16. You dont know me - Ben Folds

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Diary Entrees from HIGH SCHOOL (throwback)

The one thing I love about keeping a diary, is remembering....

2/12/2005 (last entry of my Junior Year Diary):

This is the diary that I kept for a significant potion of my junior year at Redwood. By reading it, one should discover my deepest passions, pleasures, and worries that unveil themselves through my recorded thoughts. In rheterospect, by refelcting upon the occurances in this diary, I can honestly conclude that these months have persistantly guided me through my adolsecent path of self discovery. However, after my observations of myself, along with my surroundings in High School, I've concluded that things can't and shouldn't be taken too seriously. After all, life is simply a series of experiments that leads to an individal's final destination. And, at the moment, I'm just and having fun...because its only TEENAGE WASTELAND.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Taken from a good friend's Tumblr account (HAPPY BIRTHDAY Elliot:

After starting a 9-5 job, I've gained a whole new perspective on life, or what I used to deem "the real world". I wouldn't say its scary, but it is a little anti-clamactic. Everytime i think of something to look foward to, like a break or "summer", I realize I dont have that anymore...and this feeling comes over me thats a little off putting. Dont get me wrong, I do love my job, and I especially love my company. I'm learning a lot and my co-workers (at Direct Partners) eased the transition by being incredibly easy going and helping me feel at home. Every day, as I do my entry level tasks, I cant help but feel excited to move forward, especially when the only direction of in my career path is up. Regardless, this feeling that my youth is slowly dissolving helped me decide what I want to be for halloween:

MAX from Where the Wild Things Are. The book was one of my favorites as a kid, and the movie is one of my favorites now. I know some people think its boring, but if you look beyond the large, gloomy beasts and into the underlying messages, its really just an anthology of a boy who is forced through phases of losing his innocence. And, in a way, right now, I'm Max, and I'm "Where the Wild Things Are".

Photos to come soon, but its a feminine version of this (with a good song to follow):

Thursday, October 14, 2010

cool pics, good music.

update: I'm the Database Marketing Coordinator at Direct Partners in SF for Sony PlayStation. Loving every moment of the working world!

And here's a throw back, because as I move forward, I cant help myself from looking back.