Life's too short to blend in.
"Daylight" (Troublemaker Remix) -Matt and Kim ft. De La Soul
I will admit, I have this envy for girls who are so gorgeous that high fashion designers deem them their “muses”. I mean come on - the slim build that makes a casual summer dress look like a million bucks, the symmetrical face, pouty lips, etc. How could someone not be jealous? I’ll also admit, I have a picture of Karmen Cass as the background of my phone, Lily Donaldson on my computer, Kate Moss on my wall, and Sasha Pivovarova on my twitter because quite frankly, I think they’re fun to look at. However, sooner or later, after glancing at one too many perfect faces, on one too may popular magazines, with one too many seducing captions, perfection becomes redundant. Maybe the reason why people’s envy for this impeccably sculpted diva eventually diminishes is because flawlessness is boring, it lacks luster.
So, the next time you flip through a magazine and ask yourself “why cant that be me”, remember each side has its silver lining – yes, she may be beautiful, and yes she is “perfect”, but even with all that (and I know this is a stretch) maybe she’s asking “why can’t I be that girl, reading my tabloid, living the life I dreamed of”.
“What you need is a face. If you have a face you don't need height or a voice. Models know this; that's why the good ones don't need to talk much." -Karl Lagerfeld
Now, when you listen to something so excessively, it slowly becomes a part of you. Music, in my head, was my style, it helped shape my personality. I always searched for the newest things, and I began to associate certain songs, and certain artists, with certain points in my life, and more importantly, certain people. A song is not just a series of waves that form a melody; it’s a memory. You name a song, I’ll name a happening (regardless of it’s significance to my life), i.e.
"Police on my Back” – The Clash – when my best friend, Anna, and I got stuck in the rain for a 3 hour walk and I got back to my house so cold that I broke out in this ridiculous full body rash, couldn’t stop shaking, and actually thought I was going to die of hypothermia, (seems like a disaster but we treat it as nothing more than a good laugh and a great memory).
“They Never Got You” – Spoon – There was a short period in high school where my group of best friends split. Now, I know this may seem like some stupid high school girl drama, but it was pretty traumatizing losing someone that close to me for the very first time. Writing in my diary, evaluating the situation, this song came on, and I listened to it on repeat that entire week. Consequently, I decided I would never subdue myself to the endless drama’s of cliques. I promised to stay pure and not be that girl who screwed her friend over.
“Caring is Creepy” – The Shins – driving to Corina’s house in my old Jetta, new license in hand, getting ready to be the “D.D.” for my very first time.
“In This Home on Ice” – Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! –Piedmont, I think that word has enough explanation in itself, for me at least.
The Entire 500 Days of Summer Soundtrack - the moment Nicky and I stepped out of that movie we agreed that it would be one of those movies we would watch an endless amount of times, with 500 copies of the dvd, and 500 visits to the movie theatre. But on top of that, I bought the soundtrack and immediately fell in love. Not only did it introduce me to a couple new bands, it brought back my undying love for Regina Spektor.
“Anecdote” – Ambulance LTD – driving in Michelle Baker’s car, sitting in the passengers seat with Addi in the back stating – “Rei, you started dancing when that song came on….and didn’t stop moving till it ended…you do know that we’re in a car, right?”
“El Manana” – Gorrillaz – A certain special summer adventure in La Jolla that involved a cross, a beach, and so much more.
“AM 180” – Grandaddy – watching some stupid zombie movie (I cant remember the title because it was THAT bad) and recognizing Grandaddy’s voice in the soundtrack, downloading the song, and listening to it in 2nd period, Mrs. Tassano’s Advanced Algebra class…and getting asked to stay late (for my very first time) after getting caught with my headphones in.
A-Punk- Vampire Weekend – my first summer day at the Russian river, hamburger and soda in hand, so excited for the freezing cold water amidst a smoldering hot day.
“Prog” – Pinback – my very first all nighter in college, and a reality check on what a commitment it was going to be to excel at this school.
“Shadow” – The Southland – MONTANA.
“Dead End” – The Format – spring quarter, sophomore year, my life at the pool.
"Forever Young" remake - Youth Group – crying in bed with Jen after safe and sober grad night about how scared we were to grow up, and how much we missed high school.
“A Movie Script Ending” – Death Cab – Colla.
“White Daisy Passing” – Rocky Votolato – crying on my 18th birthday, alone in my dorm room, because for the very first time since moving to Davis, I was homesick.
“Where does the good go” – Tegan and Sara – my first broken heart.
“If I ever feel better” – Phoenix – my realization that a broken heart is transient…it comes and it goes.
I know this post may seem pointless…but in conclusion…one time, as I was aimlessly writing in my diary (which I tend to do), I decided upon 15 or 20 bands that I wanted to see before I die, a life goal I guess you could call it (and one thing you should know about me in high school, I HATED to make life plans)…but these were bands that I suppose meant THAT much to me…and about 8 of them are going to be at Coachella 2010. Now, I know the tickets are expensive, and I know I’m just some broke college kid…but I’ll get my ticket, and I’ll make it over there because that’s one life goal that I’ll be fulfilling, and three days I’ll never forget.
Go back and read one of your favorite children's books. You may be pleasantly surprised to find hidden life lessons within the text, behind the pictures, or between the lines...here are some of my favorites:
'Men have forgotten this truth,' said the fox. 'But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.' -Antoine de Saint-Exupery
“Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” -Lewis Carroll
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
- Dr. Seuss
"Tell me who admires and loves you, and I will tell you who you are" - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.
-- Dr. Seuss
"Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop." ~Lewis Carrol, Alice in Wonderland
"Don't cry because it's over, Smile because it happened" - Dr. Seuss
"We're all mad here" - Lewis Carrol.
And now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye" - Antoine de Saint Exupery.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." -Willy Wonka
"Let the Wild Rumpus Begin!" -Where the Wild things are